How to install

Installing from Pypi

To get the official and updated version of this package, follow these simple steps:

  1. install python >= 3.8:

    sudo apt install python3
  2. Install oc_graphenricher via pip:

    pip install oc-graphenricher

Installing from the sources

It’s also possible to build the package from the sources. To do that, follow the following:

  1. Having already installed python, you can also install GraphEnricher via cloning this repository:

    git clone`
    cd ./oc_graphenricher
  2. install poetry:

    pip install poetry
  3. install all the dependencies:

    poetry install
  4. build the package:

    poetry build
  5. install the package:

    pip install ./dist/oc_graphenricher-<VERSION>.tar.gz

Run the tests

To run the tests (from the root of the project):

poetry run test